As a college student, you need all of the help that you can get from your online resources. Whether these resources are websites or different apps that you can download on your mobile device, there are plenty of ways that you can ease your academic pressures by utilizing the many resources available to you online. There are also several apps that are designed specifically for helping college students get by, and if you’re not using them, then you are probably working too hard and not getting the best results. Here are 5 great study apps for college students.
- Cliffsnotes
You may have thought that you left your Cliffsnotes days behind you in high school. However, as a college student you’re inevitably going to have a lot of required reading. By all means, you should do all of your required reading in full, but the Cliffsnotes app can be an invaluable resource when it comes time to writing papers about the books that you’re studying. When it comes time to write your paper, you will be able to go over the main arc and important moments of the book in order to help you give structure to your assignment.
- DuoLingo
If you are studying a foreign language in college, then DuoLingo is a great app that can help you to improve your fluency. DuoLingo is available in just about every language that you will find in college, even if you are in one of Maryville’s online dnp programs. Either way, it can really help you to accelerate your reading, writing, speaking and reading skills so that you can stay at the top of your classes.
- iTunes U
Depending on what school attend and how technologically savvy your professor is, you might be able to find some of your lectures on iTunes U. This means that if you miss a lecture for any reason, you might be able to listen to a recording from the comfort of your own home – maybe even your own bed. This will let you to take notes and keep up with what’s happening in the course even if you can’t be there for every single lecture.
- Exam Vocabulary Builder
This is a great app for anyone who doesn’t speak English as their first language, or for anyone who is a little bit behind on their English language skills. No matter how wide your vocabulary may be, you can benefit from all kinds of activities and games that help you to widen your English vocabulary so that your writing and speaking abilities are dramatically improved.
- Google Drive
No matter who you are, you should be using Google Drive. However, if you’re a college student, this can be one of the easiest ways for you to share information with all of the students that you might want to share notes with. In addition, it can be a great way for you to share large files with professors, or keep tons of data on the cloud so that your computer isn’t too heavy with data from all of your collegiate work.