It is 25 years since the birth of Linux, the open source project that Linus Torvalds brought a unique technological revolution. That kernel then be part of a complete operating system (GNU / Linux, although all have finished using ‘Linux’ to dry in both cases) transformed our world, and the fruits are many after all these years.
The most anticipated fruit, yes, never existed. The eternal promise of Linux on the desktop as Windows or MacOS real (formerly OS X) alternative was always that, because the share of this operating system is very low on our desktops and laptops. That does not matter too: Linux may have not conquered the desktop, but has conquered everything else.
IoT to large supercomputers
The presence of Linux was a constant from the start server environments, and the role of this operating system has been instrumental in them. That means that most of the services and content you see on this internet -including you are reading right now-is displayed on your computers and mobile devices with Linux.
Also in the segment of supercomputing, where Linux is absolute reference with a 99.4% share in the TOP500 list, but the leading role in large facilities would be complemented by an absolute presence in this new era of mobility that we are living.
Android’s success is also the success of Linux: the operating system is based on the mobile platform Google, but its future is promising in many of the fields that appear safe bets for the future as artificial intelligence or the internet of things .
Although companies like Microsoft want to try to offer their options, it seems clear that once more Linux and its chameleonic ability to adapt to any platform will win the battle. Smart TVs, thermostats Nest, the Amazon Kindle, the drones from different manufacturers or even many of the computer systems of today’s cars – Tesla, for example using Linux to a greater or lesser extent.
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A much more professional development than we think
In all this time many things have changed, but so has the evolution of the kernel and its components. A few years ago developers were independent programmers who contributed their work for art’s sake. That is no longer true 25 years later, something that shows a report by The Linux Foundation now most developers charge for their work.
Only 7.7% of employees in the development of Linux do not charge money, and the reason is clear by this organization, “the kernel developers scarce, so anyone demonstrating its ability to achieve include your code in the main code Linux tends to have no problem in having jobs.”
This report demonstrates once again as there are many large companies that hire Linux developers to offer their improvements within the scope of their work.
Intel is the largest contributor with 12.9% according to the latest report, but others such as Red Hat, Samsung, IBM, Google, AMD and ARM are also on that list in which it is clear that Linux and its components advancing because there great interest of companies in which the strong base of their infrastructure moving forward.