A very common household problem that many people face is the buildup of fat in their drains. This issue can lead to clogged pipes, foul smells, insect infestations and severe problems with their household drainage.

It’s not just fat deposits that can cause issues with drains. According to Statista, in 2017 it was cleaning wipes that were the worst culprit, causing 93% of sewer blockages.

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Fortunately, there are several steps that can be taken to prevent fat and wipes from accumulating in your drain and causing these issues.

How do I know if there is a problem with my drains?
A common sign of a household drain problem is slow drainage or water backup. If water takes longer to drain or starts pooling around sinks or tubs, it’s a clear indicator of a potential issue. If water starts to pool around outside drain covers, this is another indication. The presence of rats and flies can also show that you have a problem.

If you think you have an issue with your drains, always seek professional advice. They will be able to identify the problem, and if needed, replace damaged pipes. Drains can also be repaired through relining, which effectively places another pipe inside the broken pipework. Sewer pipe lining Solihull is a cost-effective way of fixing broken and damaged pipes without expensive excavation work. You can get more information and advice from drain repair specialists such as https://www.wilkinson-env.co.uk/sewer-repairs-drain-lining-concrete-cutting/drain-repairs/drain-repairs-solihull/.

Why is fat an issue?
When hot cooking fats, such as oils and grease, are poured down the drain, they cool down and become solid, causing a sticky residue that clings to the interior of the pipes. This can build up over time, restricting the flow of water. This sticky residue also attracts other debris, such as wipes, hair and other objects that have been flushed away.

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Dispose of fat
It is important to dispose of cooking fat properly, by allowing it to cool before attempting to get rid of it. Once it has become solid, place it in a container and dispose of it in the household bin.

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