We love the phones Nexus, we like Google put your personal stamp on mobile devices, and with the help of third – party manufacturers are able to create products that are references in the market. But also it seduces us the idea that Google create your own phone, as had been put on the table before.

This rumor has started to sound hard this weekend, promoted by the people of The Telegraph. What do they tell us? Well, Google will have a telephone own manufacturing before the end of the year. We have to take with tweezers, but we resist not to tell and discuss it.

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Not only would mulling the creation of a special phone, the project would be so advanced that it would be conducting negotiations with operators of mobile telephony to look for a hole in their catalogs. Unfortunately there is very little information.

It is not the first time there is talk that Google wants to go one step further in creating hardware, in fact this year will launch a device Daydream – virtual reality – signed by them. Obviously, Google does not respond to rumors that shared the newspaper.

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From which we consider the source of the news we understand that Google would create a phone to be more than the design, manufacture itself, and optimization software. A good reference of its capabilities is Pixel C, a product created by Google completely without allies.

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